Students’ Perceptions about Successfully Transitioning to Postsecondary Institutions

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Dorothy F. Garrison-Wade
Jean Lehmann


transition, postsecondary education, supports


Through the auspices of federal legislation, students with disabilities are gaining access to higher education. Still for many students with disabilities, the paramount barriers facing them in their transition to postsecondary education are overwhelming. This paper reports the findings of a qualitative study of 59 postsecondary students with disabilities on factors students perceived to inhibit or contribute to their successful transition into college. The study examines support services and access to reasonable accommodations available to students with disabilities. Students reported the major barriers to accessing college and succeeding in college were societal attitudes, lack of preparation, and financial constraints. The students also identified self-determination and families as necessary supports that propelled their transition into postsecondary education.  Recommendations and suggestions for teachers, students, and families are presented by the study’s participants to support students’ with disabilities access and retention in postsecondary institutions.

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